Doctor Candidate Weixiang Chao (晁伟翔)
B. S. 2018 Yantai University, Res. Asst. 2017-2018 Tsinghua University, M. S. 2021 Northeast Forestry University
烟台大学(本科 2018),清华大学(科研助理 2017-2018),东北林业大学(硕士 2021)
Weixiang majored in chemical engineering and technology in bachelor education and interested in fluid calculation by FEA method. His research topics during research assistant in Tsinghua University focused on the influence of sintering conditions on the mechanical strength of metal-glass heterogeneous sealing linked interfaces. His primary research in master period converted to the functionalization of wood-based materials and application in thermal energy management and water resources re-utilization. He also analyses certain mechanisms of transferring (mass/heat) interfaces development by FEA simulations.
Weixiang is currently following Prof. Lu in Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) to continue researches related with water environment topics.
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